Humans Called Friends

So, just so you know, I show my appreciation towards someone by giving presents to them like key-chains or chocolates or food or whatever that I could afford. C’mon, who could ever say “No” to good free stuffs? =B However, some people have different styles of showing their appreciation like maybe, they would make up a cool song or tumpangkan bilik (thanks Saliha and Irfanah!) or produce awesome vids or write on their blogs or drive their friends around Penang (thanks Wani and Eeling!).

Even a simple gesture of “Hi” could put a smile on their face and even mine. =)

I was quite shocked when some of my UIA friends were like, “Shaf! Ko ingat aku lagi ek? Terharu aku ko datang jumpe aku. Hehe,”. MESTILAH! I’m not that vein to forget you guys kayy. Insya-Allah, at this rate, I WON’T lerh. =D

A few tear drops here and there. ;)

Lots of Hu-Ha-Hu-Ha and hugs everywhere. =D

And definitely gossiping sessions anywhere! =p

I was flattered that my friends and family can’t seem to forget me too. =p

At least I know that people who are called FRIENDS still appreciate me. =) They manage to squeeze in my short trip to Malaysia into their tight schedule so that I could meet up with them. Regardless of it being a whole-day outing *winks at Eel, Wani Nizam, Saliha, Irfanah, Nisa, Mirah* or even a really really short convo *winks at the other awesome people* =p.

I would like to say to EVERYONE:

Just to show off to you guys, I had so many cool presents from around the World given by my beautiful friends. It’s such an irony coz I had to come back home to Malaysia and get all these stuffs. LOL. =p

Thanks to Eel Seah for the cool Zodiac cutting and the Tarracotta Emperor Key-chain from BEIJING.

Thanks to Wani Nizam for the stylish scarf from THAILAND.

Thanks to Luqman Kasran for the dangly keychain from EGYPT.

Thanks to Nadiah Rashidi for the unique emu magnet from AUSTRALIA.

Thanks to Zahira Zahari for the cute keychain from SINGAPORE.

Seeeeee, I told you guys I had awesome stuffs from around the Globe. Guess I’m one lucky person who is surrounded by so many awesome people who would remember me. =)

Again, I thank you for everything you’ve done for the past two months. Well, I wish you all the best and see you guys again real soon. *Winks*

Thanks For The Memory. =)

1 comment:

  1. just so you know, we have MATCHING zodiac cutting! *winks back* HAVE A SAFE TRIP BACK MATE. <3 you will always be loved! ;) my babooon vhad! xxx
