My First EidulAdha

Okay, before I start, I still owe you guys my raya story. Since my story on AidilAdha is still very fresh, I’ll write on this first. I’ll have my Aidilfitri story done after my exams. Owh owh, wish me all the best! =B

What comes across your mind if tomorrow is AidilAdha? Here’s a few:

Ouhh, boleh makan kari kambing nih. *slurps*

Okayy, lepas semayang sunat, boleh lah tunggu nak tengok lembu kena korban. Wee~

Nak pakai jubah ka jeans? Eh eh, baju kurung la, baru ada aura raya. Heh heh.

Owh wait, mana ada duit raya. Haish. *simpan purse balik*

But to me, it worked pretty differently this year. Selalu, kalu pagi raya, you can listen to takbir everywhere. Dekat radio, TV and even the nearest masjids. Tapi pagi tadi, sangat lah sunyi. I dully put my jubah on and my family were on our way to Johnsonville Community Centre untuk sembahyang sunat EidulAdha. Bukan dekat masjid pown.

And guess what?? I pegi sekolah youuu. That's why tak pakai baju kurung. Sejuk kowt! Ada kelas, langsung lah tak rasa macam raya tapi apakah daya, dah nak exam, still gotta go to the tutorials. =S Tapi, bila balik dari sekolah, I made my exquisite crème brulee. Sedap woaah, tak sangka I terer buat. Dah ada banyak peminat kowt. Muahaha!

Creme Brulee

Kat sini pown ada buat qorban but then I didn’t go coz it starts earlier in the morning and ended at 3pm-ish tadi. So, memang tak sempat nak pi tengok, so I have no idea how they do it over here. But we all dapat daging korban though. Wee~ Daging NZ sedap woo. =B

Tapi thanks to Ibu, Uncle Is and Aunty Jini, raya best lah sebab kami dapat makan Nasi Beriyani lauk ayam and kambing, turkey, steak and ice cream! Wee~ Kiwi style. Hahah. So, technically, the whole day, kerja makan ja. Hahah. So, in my opinion, raya kat NZ tak semeriah and fun macam kat Malaysia. Raya at home is still the best place. =) I miss Malaysia. I know, I gotta admit it. =S